WODs+Sun+Coffee+Relaxation=My weekends

I am the type of person that lives for the weekends.  I work to live, definitely not the other way around.  By the time Thursday comes around, there’s a mental battle that takes place in my head because I naturally want to start “checking out” of work and “in” to my weekend plans.  Most of the time, I purposely don’t make any plans because I love routines.  My weekend routine is what pushes me to get through the week.  My weekends always end up being the most glorious two days of the week.  Ok, ok, since you’re dying to know, I’ll let you in on my routine…just don’t tell too many people, they may become jealous;-):

Friday night: WOD after work and Sushi date with my hubby.  This is our time to actually take a breath and talk about our weeks, catch up on anything we haven’t shared with each other and dig in to some amazing, custom-made sushi rolls at our favorite restaurant, Mikuni in Roseville.  Why is it our favorite place?  We’ve been going there for so long now that is has that “Cheers” feel (where everybody knows your name).  Right when we walk in, the hostesses great us with big smiles “Welcome back!  Sushi bar for Rosey and Andrew, right?”  We always laugh and say “Yep!  You know it!”  It has become our Friday night tradition and as silly as it may sound, I cherish those dates, they’re the best!  Is sushi “paleo”, you ask?  Not the kind we order!  What’s a life if you can’t live a little? **Pictures to come

Saturdays: Early morning sweat sesh with Andrew in our garage and the heat and then a TASTY breakfast!  After that we like to sit outside at our friend’s coffee shop and drink Almond Milk Lattes or Iced Pour Overs.  Mmmm, my mouth is watering just thinking about it…it’s almost coffee time.  We bring Ari with us everywhere on the weekends since he’s in his crate most of the day while we are at work during the week.  People always stop us to pet him, or come up to him and say “oh my goodness, well aren’t you just a beautiful pup!”  We people watch and walk around local outdoor shopping malls, etc.  We love going to Jack’s Urban Eats and getting big salads for lunch and we will normally eat something simple that night from Whole Foods, or buy something simple to make.  Saturday nights tend to be “dessert night,” too.  I’m sure I will keep you posted on my indulgences:-)

Sundays:  These days are bittersweet because you know it’s still the weekend, but Monday is lurking right around the corner!  We’ll go to church, out to lunch, we’ll get coffee mid-afternoon and do our grocery shopping for the week.  I spend my Sunday nights doing laundry, prepping my meals and cutting veggies for my week.  If I fail to prep my meals, I will regret it come Monday morning.  Sometimes we will get a good pre-dinner WOD in or an active recovery, either way, we like to be active as much as possible on the weekends since Andrew and I both have desk jobs.  Ugh.  Then we like to make a delicious dinner and watch a couple movies!

It’s an exciting weekend!  Full of craziness and activities you could hardly keep up with this post, right?!  Haha!  I love my weekends more than you know and now you know my routine:-)

Saturday Morning WOD:

WarmUp:  12min EMOM Partner Bear Complex

3RFT: 40 DU’s, 30 Overhead Walking Lunges (25#plate), 20 KBS (1 POOD), 10 Hand-release Push-ups.

Row WOD: 15min time cap- 30 seconds of work, 15 seconds of rest.

Cashout: 30 Figure 8’s with KB (1 POOD) **I discovered this movement from fellow Blogger http://www.petiteathleat.com/ 

Post-WOD Breakfast: Paleo Pancakes and Bacon *Recipe section coming soon!

On a side note, I apologize my blog isn’t all snazzy yet, I’m still working on it!  I’m thinking about how many sections I want to create, what’s cool, what’s not, you know…

Well friends, it’s been real!  Have a fabulous Saturday and stay active!




Athletic Inspiration

What inspires you?  

Do you ever watch someone you know, or don’t know for that matter, and become motivated simply because their actions are powerful?  

Do pictures or quotes pull at your heartstrings?

What do you turn to in order to become inspired and motivated to make changes in your life?

For myself, it’s a mixture of a lot of things, but at the moment (and for a while now) it’s an incredible CrossFit athlete, Andrea Ager.


 What is it about this young woman that inspires me so much?  Where do I begin!?  First and foremost, her athletic ability is out of this world.  She’s so dynamic in her strengths!  From running, to swimming, to endurance WODs, to olympic lifting, the list goes on!  More importantly, her mental drive is just something else…she just keeps going!  Stopping, slowing down, or giving up is not an option for her.  She truly sees every challenge as an opportunity to smile and give it her all.  She prides herself on being the best athlete, role model and person she can possibly be at all times and she does it in the most humble way possible.  I’ve watched countless YouTube videos of her WODs and interviews and each time I can’t help but notice that she radiates joy, energy, positivity, laughter and healthy competition.  She is a woman with character and integrity that truly inspires me to be a better athlete.  

Did I mention she has a heart for the Lord?  That’s where her joy comes from and you can see it in her actions and her training.  

When I want to give up mid-WOD, or cry when I am trying to learn a new skill and just can’t get it, I try to remember that training is supposed to be fun and make me a better person overall…and to know that it’s ok to not be perfect!  I’m a work in progress though, I don’t have it figured out yet:-)

What you probably don’t know about me is that I’ve completely transformed my life, from the inside out starting 2 years ago.  Being active was not a priority in my life, I was l-a-z-y, to the max!  That’s why I still struggle to have a positive attitude in my training regimen these days, because sometimes I’d rather be sitting on my butt after I come home from a 10-12 hour work day and enjoy a glass of wine (daaaaang, that sounds delish!).  BUT that’s not going to make me feel better about myself, give me the body I want OR help me to present the best version of myself to the people who are closest to me.  So, that’s why I look to people who have strong athletic ability, a joyful presence about them and great work ethic in order to be my inspiration when I am struggling to push myself harder!  

With that said, my dog (Ari) was sitting in the garage with me yesterday while I was doing the “strength” portion of my WOD and he would not stop barking at our neighbors!  Well, I am not that person who lets their dog behave terribly, I want to be respectful of my neighbors, so my workout was cut short and I was bummed about it. So today I decided that I wasn’t going to let anything get in the way of my training!  I got a good one in, this was my workout today:

1) 12 minute EMOM (every minute on the minute):  1 Power Clean + 2 Front Squats + 3 barbell pushups

2) WOD: 21,18,15,12,9,3,1 1.5 POOD Kettle Bell Swings, in between each set, 7 pull-ups+20 Double Unders.

3) Mobility-stretch it out!

With all that said, the quote below has been my rock!  When I came across it on someone’s Instagram page, I fell in love and it hit me so hard my heart skipped a beat.  I hope it inspires you, too!


First timer!


Hey there!  Welcome to my blog!  I’ve created this for the sole purpose of being random, but most of the time you will read about my love for God’s grace, my husband (Andrew), my Doberman (Ari), CrossFit and of course…(my weakness) food.  If you don’t know me, no need to worry, you soon will!  I intend to talk about my struggles, my successes, my WOD’s (workout of the day),  and, well, whatever I want to!  I’d love for you to follow me on my journey and be part of it with me.  If there is anything you would like me to talk about, feel free to ask away!  I’m an open book:-)

Just to give you a tiny bit of insight into my world…I’m a work in progress.  Day in and day out, I have to make the conscious decision to be happy, eat right, show people love and work my butt off.  I’m just like anyone else who has their ups and downs, but I choose to push through and become stronger everyday.  I’ve had quite a transformation from the inside out within the past 2 years.  I went from being overweight, depressed, selfish, introverted and lazy to being happy, motivated, excited, loving, and healthy!  I can’t wait to share more with you, but as for right now, I have to prep my meals for tomorrow’s work day!  Until next time friends:-)